Jill Scott
Jill Scott Class 2024 - 2025
Welcome to a brand new school year! Welcome to Jill Scott Class, where we RISE to every challenge.
The first term is always exciting, with new routines and topics to start, and new friendships to forge. This term, we are lucky to have three new starters to welcome to our class, Florence in Year 3 and Hugo and Polly in Year 4.
All of our topics for the year are below. For this term, I have attached the newsletter to this website page, with details of the learning journeys. For future terms, I will send the newsletters out on Dojo. On Day 1 of every term, I will send out a paper copy of the newsletter, the spellings and Tough Ten alongside a digital copy, as I know that some parents find it tricky to read different formats on their devices.
For homework, we ask that your child reads (ideally to an adult) every day; that they learn their spellings ready for the test on Thursday (this REALLY helps in their written work in class); that they do one of the Tough Tens each week to improve the fluency in numeracy; and that they learn the Retrieval Practice facts for that week. I will hold a quiz in class every week as part of our Retrieval Practice initiative, and details of this will also go out on the first day. These packs are named, so if you don't receive yours for any term, please let me know.
Please send your child in with their PE kit to keep in their locker. For parents just moving to Key Stage 2, please send in a piece of fruit for a snack if you wish for break time. Named water bottles are really useful - children can have a drink whenever they like, and I do encourage them to keep hydrated with regular water stops.
There will be a Meet the Teacher event in the first term, but if you have any questions at all, please see me on the playground or send me a message via the Parent Portal. If your issue is urgent, please contact the office.
I look forward to seeing you and your children over the coming weeks, and hope that they are as excited about the new school year as their very excited teacher!
Mrs Kondrat
Newsletter for Term 1
Term 2
Literacy: Poetry (haiku and cinquain) and poems by heart
Science: Forces
Geography: Mapwork
Music: Pitch and Pattern
Design and Technology: Levers and Linkages
RE: Christmas
Term 3
Literacy: Mystery and Letters
Science: Animals including humans
Geography: Landscape Weathering
RE: Hinduism
Term 4 (our class production)
Literacy: Newspapers and non-chronological report
Science: Animals including humans (ctd)
Art: Showing emotions in art
RE: Importance of Good Friday
Music: Pitch, Pattern and singing
Term 5
Literacy: Stories from other cultures and explanation writing
Science: Materials
History: Anglo-Saxons
Design and Technology: Shell Structures
RE: Festivals
Term 6
Literacy: Adventure writing
Science: Relationships
Art: Making Drawings Move
Computing: Information Technology and Digital literacy
RE: Parables