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Welcome to

Great Casterton CE Primary School


What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.  If you require more information about the school's curriculum please contact the school office:

Tel: 01780 762417


Great Casterton's CE Primary School  - A Normal Day!

Gates and classroom doors open at 8.40am - children are expected to walk straight to their classrooms.

Registration is at 8.50am

Lunchtime is 12.15pm - 1.15pm

End of school is 3.20pm

 “Together, we RISE to the challenge”.

‘Rise up and shine, for your light has come.’ Isaiah 60.1


R – we are ready, resilient, respectful, reflective, resourceful and responsible learners

I – we are inclusive; supporting each other and celebrating difference

S – we strive for success in the challenges we face

E – we engage with our learning and our social responsibilities

Our Christian Values

Our Vision inspires our core values and love towards others based on the life and teachings of Jesus.


We work to encourage and demonstrate our core values:

Endurance, Hope, Friendship, Forgiveness, Trust and Compassion




Inspired by our Christian values, we strive for courageous advocacy. 


Courageous Advocacy

We aspire to:

  • Reflect and respond through prayer
  • Live out our values in everything we do
  • Challenge injustice, discrimination and inequality
  • Address the challenges to the physical world


Our Vision and Values are at the core of everything we do.  They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment which prepare our children to be confident, happy and successful individuals, who will make a positive contribution to their world.

This is the foundation upon which our school aims, values and ethos are based and that we aspire to share with everyone in our community.                                                                                                                                              


Provision for ALL

The 'Big Picture' of our Curriculum

We deliver a curriculum that is broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated, to take account of individual strengths and weaknesses whilst providing for progression and continuity.  We achieve this through a creative learning approach. Teaching styles are varied and flexible to provide individuals, groups and classes with a stimulating and secure environment.
At Great Casterton CE Primary School, all teachers are responsible for providing an inclusive curriculum that is differentiated for those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND).  We have high expectations for all our pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
Our inclusion statement emphasises the importance of providing an inclusive learning environment for all pupils including those with SEND.  Additional information on this can be found in our Special Educational Needs Information Report and Equalities Policy.  

EYFS/Reception Year - Julia Donaldson Class

The document below shows all of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Early Learning Goals (ELGs) that are statutory from September 2021.

The seven Areas of Learning are shown on one page for easy reference. Children in EYFS or their Reception year at school are working towards these goals and are assessed against them and this is reported to parents at the end of the school year. 

Apart from EYFS, our children are taught in vertically grouped classes.  This will mean that they access a curriculum that has a two year cycle.  The objectives from the documents below are selected by the teachers - to match what children need to learn - their next steps. Each document identifies where these objectives are taken from.

In EYFS and Year 1 we follow the 'Read Write Inc' phonics programme.

Beatrix Potter (Years 1 and 2 Curriculum)

Jill Scott (Years 3 and 4 Curriculum)

Simone Biles (Years 5 and 6 Curriculum)

What is learning to learn?

'Learning how to learn' is the talent to seek and persist in learning it is also referred to as metacognition. 


We believe that any pupil in our school has the capacity to develop and use insights into the mind to improve how they approach learning.  Learning capability is not a fixed trait, but rather a skill that can be developed and improved over time. By understanding how we learn and applying effective learning strategies, we can enhance our ability to acquire and retain new information.


Additionally, developing a growth mindset and embracing challenges can help us overcome obstacles and persevere in our learning journey. With the right mindset and tools, anyone can improve their learning capability and achieve their goals.

The PSHE Curriculum

The PSHE curriculum includes a wide range of themes, including:

Relationships, health and sex education, E-safety, citizenship, personal, social and academic lives, economic wellbeing and our future lives. 

Mathematics Calculation Policy

Handwriting and Presentation Policy

Homework Statement

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Contact Details and Useful Links
