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Welcome to

Great Casterton CE Primary School

Walt Disney

Summer Term 1

This term our topic is Pirates. We will be designing and evaluating furniture in Design and Technology, using technology to create, organise, store and retrieve in Computing and continuing to study the seasons in Science, focussing on Spring and Summer of course. In English we will be writing character descriptions of pirates and writing a diary account of life at sea.  You can find out what else we will be covering this term by looking at our knowledge organiser which will give you an overview of the term's learning.

Homework will still be Tough Ten maths (and handwriting for year 1 as well)  and will come home on Thursday to be returned by the following Wednesday. Year 2 will also have spellings to learn for a test on Thursday. Reading is a really important focus in KS1 and children succeed best when they read at both home and school. We have daily reading lessons but please support your child by listening to them read their books at home and filling in their reading record.

PE will be on Wednesday or Thursday and Friday, but please ensure named PE kits are in school for the term as we do like to make good use of the sunny weather we are going to have! We will send them home at the end of the term so they can be washed etc.

Please don't hesitate to contact me via dojo, or the school office if you need help with anything.

Parent video: What is Read Write Inc Phonics

Parent video: How to say the sounds

Parent video: 10 things to think about when you read to your child




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